Uptempo 3.48 (uptempo.xm)
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TraxTreme Presents: A Hard Kicking Track Written, Produced & Arranged By: Stormlord Together With Synthetic Rebirth Called: "Uptempo" E-Mail Us At: stormlord_ad_hotmail. com OR hsa_bas_hotmail.com .-. Visit Our Website With Loads Of Our Traxx At www.gironet.nl/home/ doelle/stormlord Greetz To All People We Know 16 Bits Mixing On !! End Of Message !! open hihat (1) 16 bits sl_snaredrum 16 bits sl_soft_bassdrum 16 bits sl_claps 16 bits sl_bassdrum 16 bits closed hihat 16 bits assign open hihat 16 bits sl_hardcore_cymbalride 16 bits sl_hardcore_snaredrumm 16 bits sl_fucking_uptempo_sp. 16 bits hardcore synth 8 bits K303 bzrk synth 16 bits crashing cymbal 16 bits open hihat by buzz fuzz 16 bits
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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