11 Million Years (11_million_years_16_bit.xm)
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19.V.1999. Zagreb, Croatia on system : t-tracker ---------------------- * * "11 Million Years " * ---------------------- I'm proud member of Cellblock 4 Recordz, Trax in Space, and United Trackers. ---------------------- Please, visit my site. Simply, search 4 me on Altavista, or type : ---------------------- welcome.to/t-tracker ---------------------- or : ---------------------- tinpan.fortunecity.com /swing/261 ---------------------- Did U hear my previous trax ? ---------------------- Mutant Birds Night Dancers Leave No Survivors ---------------------- =) No special greetings. I greet everyone in this universe... ---------------------- THANX to creators of samples all around the world... ---------------------- I'm also one of them. Cause, when I must, I enjoy to make 16-bit Q-samples, directly out of existing 8-bit ones How ? ---------------------- Well, U R only one little e-mail far from this answer.. ---------------------- The sound is magic... I like to be a magician...!!! I strongly recommend to play this track in FT II only... ---------------------- Please, don't say later, I didn't tell ya... =) My comments 2 this track : ---------------------- As I like to write much in this lines, I also like to see other-people's lines. ---------------------- So, when I readed the story inside 'Explorer' ( author - The Nuke ) I thought : well, yes, I can also make a tune dedicated to someone special... This person really exist, and is 1-st class explorer... He would give a life for science, especially for GEOLOGY ! --->>> He is also a sample collector, but his samples aren't like ours, cause he don't "waste" a time with music, like me. =) Sometimes, he goes outside to the mountains, and seeks for signs of the past. One of his important successes is, that he found a perfect fossil of a Sea Urchin ( Clipeaster sp. ), 11 Million Years old. This vibes are 'bout it... ---------------------- I'd be very hapy 2 connect U with this explorer. Just write me some... ---------------------- Hey, I have a question now : Can U imagine a non-looped sample that has duration of 11 Million Years ??? ---------------------- =) ---------------------- My advice 2 all of ya trackers : ---------------------- Put it in gear, Jack ! ---------------------- t-tracker =) Try this : ( LEFT SHIFT + CURSOR DOWN ) ---------------------- FT II only !!! 11 Million Years t-tracker 11 Million Years t-tracker t-tracker at mailcity.com ) I 11 Million Years t-tracker t-tracker at =) If 11 Million Years t-tracker t-tracker mailcity.com =) If 11 Million Years t-tracker mailcity.com =) If t 11 Million Years t-tracker t-tracker at mailcity.com =) If th 11 Million Years t-tracker t-tracker at =) If the 11 Million Years t-tracker t-tracker mailcity.com =) If ther 11 Million Years t-tracker mailcity.com =) If there 11 Million Years t-tracker t-tracker at mailcity.com =) If there 11 Million Years t-tracker t-tracker at =) If there i 11 Million Years t-tracker t-tracker mailcity.com =) If there is 11 Million Years t-tracker mailcity.com =) If there is 11 Million Years t-tracker t-tracker at mailcity.com =) If there is a 11 Million Years t-tracker t-tracker at =) If there is an 11 Million Years t-tracker t-tracker mailcity.com =) If there is any 11 Million Years t-tracker mailcity.com =) If there is any 11 Million Years t-tracker t-tracker at mailcity.com =) If there is any r 11 Million Years t-tracker t-tracker at =) If there is any re 11 Million Years t-tracker t-tracker mailcity.com =) If there is any rea 11 Million Years t-tracker mailcity.com =) If there is any reas 11 Million Years t-tracker t-tracker at mailcity.com =) f there is any reaso t-tracker at =) there is any reason t-tracker mailcity.com =) here is any reason. mailcity.com =) ere is any reason.. t-tracker at mailcity.com =) re is any reason... t-tracker at =) e is any reason... t-tracker mailcity.com =) is any reason... mailcity.com =) is any reason... t-tracker at mailcity.com =) s any reason... t-tracker at =) any reason... t-tracker mailcity.com =) any reason... mailcity.com =) ny reason... t-tracker at mailcity.com =) y reason... t-tracker at =) reason... t-tracker mailcity.com =) reason... mailcity.com =) eason... t-tracker at mailcity.com =) ason... t-tracker at =) son... t-tracker mailcity.com =) on... mailcity.com =) n... t-tracker at mailcity.com =) ... t-tracker at =) .. t-tracker mailcity.com ) . mailcity.com t-tracker at mailcity.com t-tracker at mailcity.com
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