Forefathers' Spirit (forefathers_spirit.xm)
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(c) Tangerine, 1998 began in january '98 finished 17.12.98 "The Spirit Of Forefathers" This is my tune for "return to stage 9" multigroup music-disk organized by Stein. write me if you want: Greetings to the whole russian tracking scene Especially to Manwe, Treks, Agent Orange, Tarh, Real, XPEh, GDM, Jazztiz, Corpse, Slightly Magic, Void, Maxi GC, Jazztiz, Flux, Madminder, Solo, Beaver and so on Visit and /tangerine for my other releases. Bum1.wav Bumbum2.wav Drum5.wav Dcd_shl1.wav Bumbum2.wav Shaker2.wav Shaker2.wav Sbells.wav Clap.wav Snare_r1.wav Orangator v2.0! AN20\n Orangator v2.0! AN20\n Orangator v2.0! -WORK\ Orangator v2.0! -WORK\ Snare5.wav Cymbal1.wav Orangator v2.0! AN20\n Ride.wav Orangator v2.0! AN20\n Ranged data from FT2 Aiaia1.wav Orangator v2.0! AN20\n Shortd_3.wav Ranged data from FT2 Ranged data from FT2
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