Hip-Hop Lullaby (hip-hop_lullaby.xm)
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(c) Tangerine, 1997 01.05.97 Samples from ENSONIQ TS-10, "Alternative Sampler" & "Industrial Kitchen" sample CD's Thanx to Xpeh//lkr McSound//SBG :) ChuckB//KFMF Shawn Mativetsky (w3.citenet.net /noise/202/) Sorry for big size, but I tried to keep sound quaity near CD. Make demos, not war! (You know what I mean) 202wow3.wav by Shawn202 Chifflu2.wav Drum3.wav Snare10.wav Vibee2.wav Fatmoog2.wav Mist2.wav Drum5.wav Glory2.wav Crash1-4.raw Tambourn.wav Monsters.raw Parpsnar.raw Classict.raw Rsperc2.wav Shaker.wav 909 Ride by ChuckB
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Nice track and not many dl's which is strange since this is a good tune.Maybe more varaiton on the main leads as they dont really change over all.I did not really find the hip hop part :) comes across very relaxing for the most part.