Ratina (ratina.xm)
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***************** Ratina by Targaff (3:49) [Looped] ***************** This is another one of them there C64 .SID -> .XM thangs I seem to do more and more of as time goes on... I've had this on the go for at least 6 months, and decided to finish it in one foul swoop by throwing in about a minute of odd piano to loop back to the start... the piece is actually quite similar to the original in this respect, cos I think that did it too. I can't remember who wrote the original.... Finished: 11 August 97 (at 2am...) Mail me at: targaff_bazza.com Smallpno.xi [Me] BASS5.SAM [???] Tapstick.sam [???] Bass Drum 4 [???] [GUS Patch?] Crash1.aif [Me] [???] [Reeeped!]
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