Resist (resist_2nd_version.xm)
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--- "RESIST" by TEQUE/DEE /Aggression /Braincell Project /Trauma Child Genesis 02.07.96 - 11.07.96 at TMS, of course ;) --- BLAH BLAH Here are samples from Nitro,!Cube,Soundwave Dune,Croaker,Clawz, Subject and other scene composers. Guitar samples by me. Vocals by me. --- MANDATORY Greetings: !Cube - Army rules! ;) 2 down only 327 to go. Nitro - X3 freak of industrial nature... Sol - Still a hard working dude... Tremor,Void,Tonic Xenit,Sister,Lance,Owl Turtle,Dune,Soundwave Purple Motion and Gore --- THE THING The message should be clear. --- THE BIG SCAM Resist x 8 Resist x 8 Resist - Progression Resist - The system Resist - Corruption Resist - Disease x 4 * Synth Lead Resist - The system Its all just a disease It's all a lie The system It's all a lie Progression It's all a lie Corruption It's all a lie Disease x 2 (2F - 34) It's all just a big fucking LIE (c) TEQUE MUSIC 1996 Nitro Who.evah Who.evah Who.evah Dune Who.evah Clawz Croaker Who.evah Who.evah Subject Subject Who.evah Teque from KMFDM CD Teque from KMFDM CD !Cube !Cube !Cube !Cube !Cube !Cube Teque from Zoom4040 Teque from Zoom4040 Teque from Zoom4040 Jesper Kyd Soundwave Soundwave Teque from FMCD38 Teque from FMCD38 Teque from FMCD38 !CUBE ?/Jormas Teque from my good old Ensoniq SD-1 Who.evah Who.evah Teque thru Zoom4040 Teque Teque Teque Teque Teque Teque Teque Teque Teque Teque
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