tribute to great 1s (tribute_to_great_ones.xm)
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Tribute to Great Ones Terminus, ms2002 this is not a ripoff - this is my attempt to show respect to the great classics on the scene, cuz afterall respect is all that the scene is about. added twisted sound :) samples from SiS and various other sources oh, and for the less educated, the classics featuring here are 2nd reality, h7 and fr-08 pdkt. I acknowledge that I have used some material from them, but I have added most of the stuff on my own METCHORD.SAM Dist Guitar.Short Dist Guitar.Long Cello 1 NoName tense NoName Terminus_2:490/222.88 Pyh nkatariinantie 14 ntitled ntitled ntitled ntitled ntitled ntitled ntitled
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