Sea Breeze(ICING98) (sea_breezeicing98.xm)
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Sea Breeze by Terric (Anders Lundh) of Cybertech&Soundvision Finished on:980523 Duration: 4.00 min. REQUIRES 768k GUS Kredditz goes to: Triton Productions For the world best F A S T T R A C K E R which involves a very NICE userfriendly Interface! :) To The dudes which Samples a lot... I have only made a few of the samples in this Song.It's a hard work! Greetings to(disorder) Alastor of CT&SV,DIGIX , Spearfish,Icing arr. Wintermute,Duckiee Dammiz,WOX/TBL =) Use Ur Commodore 64 For Morphing Sounds If u r lcky to have 1! So you had a thought. ICQ:2471835 terric_hem1.passagen.e Anders Lundh Danska v.76 52132 Falköping Sweden Phone: 46(0)51580820 =* =] =) =} => =_ =Q =O I hope you have real bassspeakers, garenteed satisfaction! Visit> terric. cout<<Parralellpiped;! This Package delivered by Terric. Satifaction Guarenteed. Return in Trashcan Otherwise. But Remember, it's a part of my heart.... Icing 98 Release! A Second point of view , are a good insight for those with the abilities. Proton , Neutron Electron. 1 + 1 = 3 The unone factor are able to make things in an other WAY! The one which can see the human factor in the right way. Would be unaware of that He/She is able to understand it. By that , nobody will know if it's right.... And i don't understand how i make my music. It just comes. By the way, i give damn in it. I love to express myself in Music. And that's what i do.I hope u like it! TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii cccccccccccccccccccccc You may be a unone factor to another mate The one which sits on the truth , may be rejected by the others Stand up for yourself. Stand up for what you are beliving , and not for what others says. You Probably succeed! T E R R I C LDA #$00 STA $d020 (hee he) :) :) :( :) =) (= =) =( )= ;> ;| C=64 is Culture :| Don't Hesitate , with Girls . Will just acomp. nothing. :( Terric ofCT&SV199805 Released at Icing98 MultichannelCompo by Terric of Cybertech & SoundVision Team Icing 98 Multichannel Icing98 Icing 98 Multichannel Icing98 Icing 98 Multichannel Multichannel Compo Icing 98 Terric of Cybertech & Soundvision BOOOOOM! MultiChannel Compo A Release from Terric in Cybertech & SoundVision Team pchee cheooo Seagulls Måsjävlar.... .. . Dtpiano.smp 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 / - \ | / - / > >> >>> >>>> >>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>>> MultiChannelCOMPO SeaBreeze BY Terric of CT&SV Terric of CT&SV98 Anders Lundh Danska v.76 52132 Falkoping Sweden Phone:+46(0)515- 80820 terric_hem1.
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