FINNGERS (finngers.xm)
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Gummi Bassdrum noisy whatzit square wave nice leady sin Check the next page... -- Fingers -- by The Finn / VLA email Fasttracker II! Yay! Computer info Song info Finnthoughts Finnthoughts pt II Squarep Noise.smp Squarep Sinsq3.smp You are free to rip any / all of my samples and / or instruments, so long as you give me credit. Or perhaps not, seeing how these are all just a bunch of basic waveforms. It's amazing what you can do with these things, eh? d;-) Volume and panning envelopes! What a good idea. I look forward to cool little chiptunes with more gusto and more oomph. Let's all work together to make the internet music world a better place! Experiment! YAY! It's lots of fun. YESS!! I finally got my computer back together at Reed, and this means that you'll hear more from me soon. It's just a 386DX 40Mhz, but it works just fine for writing music. (GUS helps a whole lot.) I know this song is kind of short, and perhaps even a bit on the boring side, but consider the fact that I haven't written any music for about three months or so. I also don't have access to my "vast sample library" (hahaha) and that's why this is a chiptune. Loop the song. Let it go into your brain, perhaps you might understand what kind of sick and twisted kind of existance I'm living right now. There are things I know I must do, yet I am having a very hard time getting these things done. That's why this song isn't finished. If only I could put myself into a tiny mote; place my every energy into the tip of my out- stretched hand, into the end of my finger, and touch with all my soul, then I would be able to truly under- stand... But until then, you're going to have to communicate by other means to me. Okay, okay... if you really want to know what's eating me, what would you do if someone you loved suddenly ceased all contact with you? You know they're not pissed, you know it's not anything you've done, but you get that itchy feeling that some- thing is wrong, and only you can fix it.
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