Fade 2 Reality (TFS) (fade_2_reality_tfs.xm)
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-+{BMP PRESENTZ}+- FADE 2 REALITY Playtime is 5:24 (c) '97 by TFS Musix {BMP RELEASE NO 30} Howdy! This is our third re- lease for BMP and we think it's our best track ever! Maybe it sounds a bit like RMB, but why not? The be- ginning is not very imaginative, I know, but we needed some- thing to start with... Oh, by the way: TFS undertook the BMP MailingList, so if you want to subscribe send an eMail to me (check BMP.EXE for adress) with the subject: SUBSCRIBE BMP FILES You can subscribe all announcements as well you just have to write SUBSCRIBE BMP ANNOUNCEMENTS I hope you understood my poor english :-) Simultaneous with this track we released an acid-song named "Ocean Subfight", so if you hate trance you should leech it in- stead ;-). Take also a look at the official TFS Home- page (only in german but I'm working hard on an english version) at: http://cip.physik.uni- wuerzburg.de/(Alt-126) tpigulla/tfs/ --> Check it out! <-- And now some greets (no order) :: guys: Maverick.Outlaw.Scale. Avalance.Humanoid of Profecy.Skullrazor. Masakado.Undertaker. Cyberbobby.Gunnar. Jester.Beasty Bass. Knuddel.Blade.Walker. LordGhostbuster.Eneff. Prodatron :: groupz: BMP.HalogenDreams. Upnoized.n-Factor. RadicalRhythms.Hard BehaviourExcitation ... and all guyz on da wide, wide world !! Some song-detailz are below if you're inter- ested in 'em: -+*{ Song Detailz }*+- Title: Fade 2 Reality Compozer: TFS Playtime: 5:24 Style: Trance BPM: 138 Time spend for: scoffold: 5 dayz refinement: 3 weekz Recommended playerz: FT 2.06 or l8r; CP 1.7 or l8r; XMM 2.0 beta or l8r Recommended config: Interpolation: OFF 16-bit mixing: ON Amplification: 4 Mixing-freq.: 44kHz Linear freq.-table Stereo: ON We hardly recommend you to use the config shown above because it's the one which gu- arantees that you hear what we tracked! Please play it on a SB AWE 32 PnP (GUS will be okay, too). We hope you liked it! Spinnin' off... P.S.: Some SB-clones might have problems with correct volume relations...
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