Out Of The Blue 62 (out_of_the_blue_62.xm)
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[: B.M.P. PRESENTS :] OUT OF THE BLUE (original mix) Playtime is 7:14 _ '97 by TFS (ART/BMP) Wri10 for BlackTron MP Heya folx! This time its not such an ass-kicking track u are used 2 listen to I guess, but since we've wri10 a couple of har- der (and probably bet- ter =) trax during the last few weeks it was quite relaxing 2 write a song like this. The reason why you'vee not heard anything new from us was the mass of unfinished tracks I found on a secret sub- directory of my HD ;-) Anyway, there are 1 or 2 things u should keep in mind: - e.Trax #2 will be a- vailable soon (hm... it should already be out when you've read this ;-) - there'll be only one release from us for Blacktron MP for the next whole year I'm afraid, because I am going to the USA for about ten month in a few weeks. And after that TFS won't exist any longer. There'll be still some co-ops but not as often as now. I am not quite sure if I will keep "TFS" as my pseudo- nym or not... we'll see :-) After this boring text you can either have a look at our brand-new inforeader (big thanx to ME) or listen 2 the rest of the song :-) For greets'n'stuph run TFS.EXE (should be in- cluded in the ZIP). Okay... c.ya.l8rz! (Oh, I forgot sumthin: if you want the 16-bit version of this track (2.7 MB unzipped) just eMail me at: <rpigulla_t-online.de> Okay? See you then!) EF: Wellen2.xi KoM'AH EF: Water1.xi Ripped from SB32 swish001.xi Sample by OUTLAW from "Spin" (Exithone) SMP: Swish002.xi Sample by TOSE HQ: HiHat03.xi HQ: Crash00.xi SMP: Grand003.xi Flute02.xi Rhythm18.xi HQ: Bass02.xi HQ: String02.xi _ Heretic.dst Crash10.xi TempVoval By Kosmic EF: Xplsn01.xi Sampled by TFS _ by Nick Patrick Temporary Vocal Taken from sample CD - Professional Music Producer version 1.1 From Deepflow.bmp HQ: Clap01.xi
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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