She is sweety ... (she_is_sweety.xm)
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WIZZ.arts presents nice rock&roll "She is sweety.." by TIGES(tm) Ahhh... Only four channels ? YES YES YES :))) Sampelki w wiekszosci nie moje, ale cos sie mojego znajdzie ;) Aaa ...Ogladam COPA AMERICA wiec napisze troche pozdrowien :))) Greats & respect to: Aghan, Atom, Armag, Borko, Blueshade, Cro, CoolPhon3, Erlend, RTS Emsi, Malf, Magus, Lett, Dzozef, Gardner, Motzel, Lifter, Kulik, Falcon, KeyG, Lesnik, Singer, Insect, Dexter Vader, Frey, Misha, Angel, Mishka, Ural, XTD, SpaceMan, Juza, Shredder, Sensei,Creed TRSR, Stico, Sir Amiga C3PO,Zsacul, HicksAlex Enmaf, Sammar, Unseen o kims zapomnialem :( Special greats to : Emila, Gosia, Ania.... a co ;))) Wroclaw 1999-17-14 (c) TIGES '99 Tracked by TIGES(tm) Time 5:19 Amplify: 8x Interpolation: OFF Do you like R&R ??? Yeah ..... bum ... bum... bum ... That's it !!! NO TEKKNO NO HIP HOP 4 CHANNELS RULES !!!!! Thats right !!!! You must belive me Hehehe ;))) USE FT 2.xx jazzorgan.tiges Yes. Real Amiga style Almost ;) maybe more..
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