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<-Age of analogia-> (age_of_analogia.xm)

Info Summary

  • age_of_analogia.xm is a XM format module. Uncompressed, it is 837.33KB in size and has been downloaded 692 times since Mon 13th Sep 2004 :D

Info Info

  • Mod Archive ID: 152113
  • Downloads: 692
  • Favourited: 1 times
  • MD5: d4de4960789dc2f10ed03911e97dca66
  • Format: XM
  • Channels: 30
  • Uncompressed Size: 837.33KB
  • Genre: n/a

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Info Internal Texts *

 <<- Composed by ->>
 TNK / Rlt^Dzone^Caf.
 - 4 Da BMP compo 2 -

Big big kisses go to :

Greets -->
Maf, T&P&E, Wain, Pug,
Focus, Twiggy, Falcon,
Edyx, Synergy, Redtom-
ato & All in Gr. 3-4 &
All in Realtech, Dzone
    and Caffein !

  Contact me at -->

  or by snailmail :
  Philippe Meisburger
  44 Rue de Huningue
  68128 Village-Neuf

All samples programmed
 & rendered by me in
Newstyle analogic 1.1,
an astonishing analog
   synth emulator !

 This song is in fact
  my tribute to this

And this also explains
why all these samples
  sound like cristal

 I always loved analog
  synths & the music
  made with them by
  great artists like
   Jarre & Vangelis
    in the 1970's

 I tried to find again
  the freedom & the
 creativity that the
electronic-music scene
   had these days..

     Will the new
 generation of numeric
analog synth emulators
 lead to a new golden
 age of electronical
       music ?

Although the BMP compo
   is a more techno
   oriented compo,
  I decided to enter
 this song. After all,
 it's an electronical
music compo, not only
a techno one...However
 I don't know in which
  category I should
enter this song. Maybe
ambiant? Experimental?

   Anyway, all that
 counts is that I like
         it !

  This song started
accidently as I played
around with sample #1
 and that I discovered
the use of chords made
    with sequences.

  I've got many mods
(More than 20000!) but
I've never seen such a
 technique anywhere !

Kill Racism & Torture.
Kill human Xploitation
 Karl Zero rulez !!!

Length --> 3:54

 - No 2 Flexibility -
"Resine wavesequence"
Programmed & performed
by TNK / Rlt^Dz^Caf
In Newstyle Analogic
"Oxygen clouds"
Programmed by
TNK / Rlt^Dzone^Caf.
in Nestyle Analogic.
"Drops in space"
Programmed by TNK
of Realtech^Dz^Caf.
In Nestyle Analogic.
Programmed by TNK
of Realtech^Dz^Caffein
In Newstyle Analogic.
Programmed by TNK
of Rlt^Dz^Caf. in
Newstyle Analogic 1.1
"Dream wave"
Programmed by TNK
of Realtech^Dz^Caf.
In Newstyle Analogic
Programmed by TNK
In Newstyle Analogic

* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
