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<-Alien lifeforms-> (alien_lifeforms.xm)

Info Summary

  • alien_lifeforms.xm is a XM format module. Uncompressed, it is 969.95KB in size and has been downloaded 978 times since Mon 13th Sep 2004 :D

Info Info

  • Mod Archive ID: 152114
  • Downloads: 978
  • Favourited: 2 times
  • MD5: 40c0fada5850607a83b52b354bb90e4a
  • Format: XM
  • Channels: 26
  • Uncompressed Size: 969.95KB
  • Genre: n/a

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<- Alien lifeforms ->
By TNK / Rltch^Dzn^Caf
     A tribute to
 <-Tangerine dream->

Big big kisses go to :

Da other greetz ->
Maf, CyberZip, Twiggy
Wain, Focus, Pug, All
in my demo, music and
IUT groups, and all I
forgot !

The right adresses 2
contact me :


Snail mail should go 2
Philippe Meisburger
44 Rue de Huningue
68128 Village-Neuf

I wrote this track 2
show it's possible to
do music like
tangerine dream did it
in the 70's, with
lotsa looped sequences
merged together and
with analog-based
sounds. I think I
really succeeded in
it !!!

Probably groups like
T.dream are at the
origins of todays
trance music...So lets
thank them for having
done their stuff !

However, I do not
agree when I hear that
TD. is the best ever
music...I mean, that
style is that EASY to
do...This piece took
me 1,5 hour to compose
...very fast indeed !

The title comes from a
TV programm on F3 that
dealed about life in
the solar system.
Probes will soon be
sent to Titan and
Europa (Saturne and
Jupiter moons) to
check this possibility
...Europa is especialy
interesting as there
is obviousely liquid
water on it (Under the

Speaking about ice...
What's that SHITTY
weather we have ???
It's july 10th and see
what I'm wearing...
A pullover, long
trousers, big shoes...
the maxvalues go up
to 18 degrees and the
weather forecast
predicts even worse
weather (Maybe under

What's this shitty
weather ??? In
Marseille they have 35
degrees and the summer
is there since months.
Here (In alsace), we'r
still waiting on it...
and the forecast tells
us we're going to wait
a long long long time!

Once again, they were
RIGHT calling us the
"French sibiria"...

Some idiots claim
there are 4 seasons...
They are wrong : There
are only 2 : Summer &
shit...and here, we
have 1 week of summer
and 51 weeks of shit..

The difference between
us & california is
that in california, a
missed (worked) sunny
day is a normal day
whereas here missing
a sunny day is missing
the half of the sunny
days of the year !!!

Donc, si vous habitez
en Provence et que
vous pouriez m'
heberger...ca serait
pas de refus !!! Vite!
au secours !!!!!!!!!!!

Duration --> B:38h
Programmed by TNK
In Newstyle Analogic
Analogsweep 2
Programmed by TNK
In newstyle analogic
Dance sweeplead 2
Programmed by TNK
In newstyle analogic
Bright synthstrings
Programmed by TNK
In newstyle analogic
Analog blip
Programmed by TNK
In newstyle analogic
Analog spacious 2
Programmed by TNK
In newstyle analogic
"Stardate 2004"
TNK's voice
(With my french
"Space probe orion 5"
TNK's voice
"Evidence of alien
TNK's voice
"We are not alone
in the universe"
TNK's voice

* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
