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<-Hans em ...'97!-> (hans_em_97.xm)

Info Summary

  • hans_em_97.xm is a XM format module. Uncompressed, it is 858.19KB in size and has been downloaded 761 times since Mon 13th Sep 2004 :D

Info Info

  • Mod Archive ID: 152124
  • Downloads: 761
  • Favourited: 2 times
  • MD5: 6eed2c31bb2e82fff5244382bc78479c
  • Format: XM
  • Channels: 24
  • Uncompressed Size: 858.19KB
  • Genre: n/a

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-Hans em Schnaugaloch-
  (Quackery mix '97)
      bi TNK vo
 Noma fer dr fun !!!!

Viel viel schmetz ver:

Greetings gein zo :
Maf, CyberZip, Edyx,
Tw&Ph&Eag., Synergy,
Redtomato, Falcon,
Focus, Pug, Pollux,
Mythos, Scarfman,
TSK, QSB, Wain, Mesa,
Zillion, LK, Trilogy
on alli vo dr Hans em
Schnaugaloch chena !!!

Malgre ses aspects
delirants et les rires
des filles a la fin,
ce module n'a pas
ete cree pour ridicul-
iser l'Alsace ! Bien
au contraire, j'estime
qu'il faut sauver
notre culture. Mais sa
sauvegarde ne passera
que si nous, les
jeunes, prenont la
releve. Et cela passe
entre autre par ce
genre de remix.
J'espere que vous
m'aurez compris.
Zrock ens elsassicha :

Contactiert mi -->
Meisburger Philippe
44 Rue de Huningue
68128 Village-Neuf

     -+* Oder *+-

(Vom 15/9/97 zom
10/4/98 noma !!!)

D'idei om dr Hans em
Schnaugaloch en dance
zmacha ech net nei bi
mer. Ech han en scho
of house gmixt en 95
fer d'party 5. Aber
s'het sau fiel lit ka
wie dr Griffu on dr
Vanlerbe vo a neii
versiaun vella han,
drnau han ech da mix
gmacht ! On ech meuas
saga das ech en net
schlacht fend !!!

Ma soti en amol
em a facht spela, ech
be secher as alli lit
dansa warda ! Dr
Griffu het mr gseit
das sie en em FC
Muespach nach jedem
match senga data !

Ven sie s'elsasicha a
betzi chena, warda dr
scho drussfenda das
ech auberlanderich
rett, on net onder-
landerich wie em
France 3 Alsace.

(Obwohl ech nit geiga
s'onderlandericha ha!)

Da module ech dr
Quackery mix weil ech
en net wit vom
Quackery trackiert ha.
Dr Quackery ech a
deich net wit vo mim
hus, wo d'fecher gein
go fecha!

Ech hof naunamol das
niema sech agreffa
gfult het dor das lied
. Ech has noma fer dr
schpass gmacht on
ech vell ons net neder
drocka. werkleg !!!

Au no fiel mol merci
em Christophe ver dia
handaurgala schtekle!

S'memmt mi wonder was
dr Dr Flaschapoutzer
wo dam remix saga
dati !

! Mer wan weder s'Emma
   en dr Zittong !

 ! Soiwatter Rulez !
(En dr zittong,  net
em hemmel wie heta !)

S'durt ongefair 3:28
"Hans em schnaualoch"
1sta teil
Gsamplet bi TNK
"Hans em schnaugaloch"
2ta teil
Gsamplet bi TNK
Normala taun
Gsamplet bi TNK
Gem S2
Gsamplte bi TNK
Gsamplet bi TNK
"Hans itret 1"
Gsamplet bi TNK
"Hans itret 2"
Gsamplet bi TNK
"Hans itret 3"
Gsamplet bi TNK
"Hans itret 4"
Gsamplet bi TNK
Korg X5
"Housparty cymbal"
Gsamplet bi Maf&Tnk
"Dream bassdrum"
Gsamplet bi TNK
Bi Sonic/Destiny
"Open hi-hat"
NEXT Sample CD

Bi Kristall/Astek
Bi Alexel/Realtech
Korg X5
"Houseparty hi-hat"
Gsamplet bi Maf&Tnk
Falcon sample packs
"Tr808 Snare"
"Hans em schnaugaloch"
Gsamplet on gsonga
bi TNK
"Het alles was er wel"
Gsamplet on gsonga
bi TNK
"On was er well..."
Gsamplet on gsonga
bi TNK
"On was er het..."
Gsamplet on gsonga
bi TNK
"Hopla !"
Gsamplet on gseit
bi TNK
"Schnaller !!!"
Gsamplet on gseit
bi TNK
Gsamplet on gseit
bi TNK
Gsamplet bi TNK
D'meidles vo lacha
sen s'Virginie on
d'zwei Severines !
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"Strausafacht 2"
Gsamplet bi TNK
Falcon sample packs
"Tr909 clap"
Roland Juno 106
Becho vom Alexel/RT
Roland Juno 106
"Acid bass"
Becho vom Alexel/RT

* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
