Sea of tranquility (sea_of_tranquility_2.xm)
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<-Composed by-> <-TNK of-> Realtech/Dzone/Caffein Samples by me and Alexel (Our new membr) All my heart goes 2--> -+CORINNE and MURIEL+- Alltimes greatest top- models! Contact me --> pmeisbur_iutsud By snail mail: Meisburger Philippe 44 Rue de Huningue 68128 Village-Neuf France Visit our web site: http://www.worldnet .fr/~stedenis 24/11/1996____7:44 Greetings go to: Maf, Twice, Phase, Eagle, Pollux, Mythos, Scarfman, Cyberzip, Veloci- raptor, JFF, all in Dzone & Caffein, Crux, LK, Magic Fred, Pm, Skaven, Falcon, A-men guys, Elwood, Axel / bs, Bd, Edyx, Synergy, all others... Gee...11h36 Pm...and I have 8 hours of school tomorrow... I will once again look like a zombie... C'est un essai de faire de la zik du genre trance-ambiant- space-t'en veeuuuxxx? comme Alexel en a l' habitude... Suis pas trop contant du resultat. Et n'oubliez pas ma maxime : 'Heureux l'eleve qui, comme la riviere, suit son cours sans sortir de son lit!' TNK / RT / DZ / CAF. <-Composed by-> Realtech/Dzone/Caffein Samples by me and All my heart goes 2--> -+CORINNE and MURIEL+- Alltimes greatest top- models! Contact me --> meisburg_loriot By snail mail: France Visit our web site: http://www.worldnet .fr/~stedenis 24/11/1996____7:44
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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