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The power of dreams (the_power_of_dreams.xm)

Info Summary

  • the_power_of_dreams.xm is a XM format module. Uncompressed, it is 1.11MB in size and has been downloaded 530 times since Mon 13th Sep 2004 :D

Info Info

  • Mod Archive ID: 152133
  • Downloads: 530
  • Favourited: 1 times
  • MD5: 27b6d0943b933c82be2dbb649e17ba8a
  • Format: XM
  • Channels: 32
  • Uncompressed Size: 1.11MB
  • Genre: n/a

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Info Internal Texts *

> Da power of dreams <
> By TNK / Realtech  <
> & Dzone & Advanced <
> Rythm technologies <

Big big kisses go to :

Muriel will celebrate
 her wedding on june
 26th, 1999. Send me
some tunes and wishes
      for her!

Other hElLoS tO ->
Maf, CyberZip, Swallow
Pollux, Garr, DrNobody
Marix, Wain, Twiggy,
Maz, Tajino, Spit-it,
Yoda, BroBro, Synergy,
Edyx, Redt0mat(), TSK,
Falcon, Orion, Kosmos,
Zola (Not da writer!)
and all I forgot...

  Contacting me is
       simple :

(Do it! I love hearing
 from people who like
     my tracks!)




   Snail mail also
 works! Send it to :

 Meisburger Philippe
 44, Rue de Huningue
 68128 Village-Neuf

Warning : Snail mail-
   Snail answer !

Hiha ! I finally did
a new euro-track ! My
last one dated back 2
1996, which is quite
strange for an euro
lover like me ! I
hope I will have more
inspiration soon to
release a new one.

The vocals and raps in
that song were all
performed & sampled by
TNK. Note that I am
not a singer nor a
rapper...but you will
for sure have found
out by yourself...

Most samples by me,
rendered in Analogic
or sampled from synths
or from my mouth !
Some come from smp CD
and sample packs. Use
them if U wish.

To all those who await
  my mail answers :

I will be back from da
dead on June 9th, 1999
I will then be able to
reply to my mail again

I haven't forgotten U!

 (This shall not be a
  good excuse not to
  e-mail me before!)

 To those who do not
  like euro : Just
 forget that track.

This one is just for
euro freaks like me.

  ...and to all :
 forgive my 'Celine'
 song...it was only
 released 4 fun !!!

This is just the 8bit
version of the song.
  The full 16 bit
(2.5mb large) version
 is available if you
    request it.

 I have spreaded the
8 bit version so that
 GUS users (like me)
  can listen to it

!K**** is killing me!

Started on 26/12/1998
Finished on 14/2/1999
Released on 19/5/1999
(THE Starwars day...
in the US only :(((()

Length --> 5:45

Euro lead
Programmed & Rendered
by TNK in Analogic 1.1
Sampled by TNK
(Smp. CD)
Tb303 bass
303 sample pack
Dance bassdrum
Sampled by Monz
808 closed hi-hat
Sampled by TNK
909 Open hi-hat
Sampled by TNK
(Sample CD)
909 Claps
Sampled by TNK
(Sample CD)
Dance bassdrum 3
Sampled by TNK
Sample CD
Proteus sample pack
Porteus sample pack
'Highness lead' - 1.1
Programmed & rendered
by TNK in Analogic 1.1
House strings
(Sample CD)
X5 - Closed hi-hat
Sampled by TNK & maF
from his Korg X5
Phaser samplezz
Phaser samplezz
Phaser samplezz
Phaser samplezz
Phaser samplezz
Jarre-like lead
Programmed & rendered
by TNK in Analogic
Programmed & rendered
by TNK in Analogic 1.1
"If you get..."
Sampled & performed
by TNK
(How bad singer I am!)
"The power of love"
Sampled & performed
by TNK
I think the next time
my singer will sing it
"I will give U..."
Like above...
"The power of dreams"
"I will give..." (2)
Am I responsible of
all that rain ?
"The power of dreams"
Falcon sample packs
"Tr808 Snare"
X5 cymbal
Sampled by TNK & maF
On his Korg X5
Said & sampled by TNK
Atleast one not-too
shitty performance !
Reverse cymbal
Sampled by TNK
Here it comes - X5
Sampled by TNK & maF
from his Korg X5
Space bubbles
Programmed & rendered
by TNK in Analogic 1.1
Square bass
Programmed & rendered
by TNK in Analogic 1.1
Rapped & sampled
by TNK.
(Altough I'm not a
rapper !)
"The power"
All by TNK.
"Feel it now"
Not even that bad...
"Of love"
If only my accent
were not that
"And forever"
Lyrics writing
talent = 0.0 !!!
"Of dreams"
How many more raps?
Very "cliche", isn't
it ?
"Till...of the night"
Originality ? Naahhh !
"Because U feel"
I'm not Will Smith !
Jd800 spacesweep
Sampled by maF

* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
