Dark galaxy (full) (dark_galaxy_full.xm)
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The final and full "Dark Galaxy" composed by TOWERX Astral _ Psyonic Labs playtime_: 9:53 All the five parts inlcuded in this xm!!! Lets see some info: 1. Part I. 0:00-1:24 Arrival of the Starfleet 2. Part II. 1:25-2:40 The new Atmosphere 3. Part III. 2:41-4:00 The Ancients` Way 4. Part IV. 4:01-6:13 Arise of the Dark Powers 5. Part V. 6:14-9:53 Sun Drawing Water some additional info: Dark Galaxy I-II. was 8th at Volanic99 Dark Galaxy IV. was 18th :( at Arf99 Sun Drawing Water is a mag (Amber) "soundtrack":))) feel free to contact for any reasons: I`m usually on #trax #pixel #scene (search TowerxAST) Visit our website: psyonic.scene-hu.com (Psyonic Labs) and download some brainkillin`hardtrance tracks :> Don`t forget to send your opinion!!! email: maxim_silicondreams.hu dedicated to 2 nice girls :> lluvia / Bomb! Manka / Autopsy 29th March <TOWERX - 1999> bass string mixed chord deepBass smoothstring great hit startup spaceship fx1 soaceship fx2 voicesynth hyperspace reverse crash deepspace string drumhit1 drumhit2 drumhit3 tapped_synt bellsynth floaty noize machine loop belltree heartbeat1 heartbeat2 windbells fx fly away longwindy quake computer compunoize <TOWERX - 1999> _Mike Oldfield distant drums original long voice tune up! reverted screams soft string ambient hit upper tuner conga1 conga2 conga3 conga4 conga5 conga6 beltree brutal metal soft loop ambient brutality down loop1 down loop2 vocal recharge fx <TOWERX -1998> 7 channels have been dumped into this drumline :) open softhihat closed softhihat ambient blubby long rockguitar c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7 c8 sliding guitar1 soft gitaslide women choir sliding guitar2 strange guitar fx shaman vocal mixed spacestring deep bubbling compuflow sfx guitar voice1 guitar voice2 ancient flute square lead
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