pholk-v2.aciddance (pholk-v2_aciddance.xm)
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(c) trajic/astroidea 21 august, 1997. [ 2:50 ] antiq'97 multichannel compo; 22 aug, Pecs, Hungary. yes, for the first time i did a plain folk song. (that's also available at my place). this is only a fun-edition w/o the vocal fxes, etc. i hope noone of the mankind would use my samples without crediting me for them. i worked with them a lot, even if it was digitized or "only" converted from a rom-disk. damned gus volrampclix ... life'd be easier w/o ya. btw, smp greets in the sampleline. check out the Hungarian scenepage at it's gonna b redesigned soon! new features: - totally reorganized; - 170+ scene artworks online (indexed by graphician) - free advertisement possibility - the usual emailbook, grouplist, links - supporters' list - partycharts, -list, upcomin' parties and partyresults - scene news (up-to-d8 again, from september) the page'll be installed somewhere in September, when the universities'll start. ok, enuff o' dat. signoff, trajic/ai. Patch sample Patch sample Patch sample --------------------- Module made using Digi Booster Pro 2.18 ---------------------
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