spirit of the stars (spirit_of_the_stars.xm)
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spirit of the stars ___________8bit____ 3:35 min. by Trobe september 99 Most samp's taken from the sampleCD "no.1 instruments" by MAZ Most have been altered or edited by me... "... and once again, he cherished the void, and walked amongst the spirit of the stars..." communication: trobe(at)mail.com information: surf.to/trobe Links section: www.: modarchive.com modplug.com unitedtrackers.com traxinspace.com analogx.com Artists section: Addic303 Keith303 Falcon Trinity TnK maF If anybody is actually interested in having an audioCD with my work (6 songs +bonus), just write me! the price will be around 6 USdollars Keep the MOD's alive! Don't give in to the temptation of mp3!!! Free music rules!!! Fasttracker2 rules!!! Wow! you found the hidden message!!! now mail to: EsbenG(at)email.com for further info!!! vibe.breathy sampleCD bass.phunky.4 sampleCD guitar.clean sampleCD bass.phunky.1 sampleCD bass.phunky.2 sampleCD bass.phunky.3 sampleCD 303.sweep.dist sampleCD sweep.resonance sampleCD sweep.cutoff.reso sampleCD string.attack sampleCD set.909.phat sampleCD cymbal.sweep sampleCD ping.reverb sampleCD 303.neat.1 sampleCD 303.neat.2 sampleCD 303.neat.3 sampleCD 303.stab.1 sampleCD 303.stab.2 sampleCD 303.stab.3 sampleCD 303.stab.4 sampleCD 303.stab.5 samlpleCD 303.stab.6 sampleCD 303.duck.mild.1 sampleCD 303.duck.aggr.1 sampleCD Loopof.rawawa/ground0e zap.dry MAZ lead.square sampleCD cymbal.nice maF 303.duck.mild.2 sampleCD 303.duck.aggr.2 sampleCD hit.breathy.reverb CaesaR
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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