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The Good StuffSummary
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Charlie Brown Records P R E S E N T S by TruxX/CBR in Nov. 1995 WhaT Do You ThiNk AboUt rObOtS WiTh HuMan BrAinZ ? Bart Simpson. (always yellow) Diz is my FamilY: - PeDRo/CBR - GuY/CBR - LogOs/CBR - CaliGola/CBR Greetings to all muzik writers. Let's track!! CBR IS PRESENT. . . our Internet homepage is. . . . . . http://www.il.ft.hse .nl/(tilde)stefand This xmod is part of the CBR musicdisk #3 "Psychotraction"... Please play with FT2 Bumping time: 5.28 C-hihat.rawwelwave2 Kwccymba.rawelwave2 Hh clare.raw Beep.rawawawelwave2 Sd drake.raw Kb stab1.raw Bd unrea.raw efg-string.1 Futurest.rawelwave2 Kb snap.raw Effect1.rawwelwave2 Kb alien.raw Beep.rawawawelwave2 Flewt.rawrawelwave2 Flewt.rawrawelwave2
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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