Am I one? (am_i_one.xm)
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Am I One? (or multiplied) -\i/- -/!\- By Tuskin (all samples ripped excluding 7 & 8 by me) e-Mail me What do I have do to get good orchestral samples? I know the bass is loud due to the fact I track with head- phones plugged to my soundcard. (NOT by choice). Turn B&C lower if it bothers U. I'm slipping into popular music.... This is really not my usual stuff. I guess I had to show myself I could make a song that's not too weird. Everything in this song is fully intentional. So, you decided to take a look, eh? Takes 7'10 out of you life. Sorry (You'd waste it anyway) Cello string Pizzi1.wav Pizzi2.wav Pizzi3.wav Pizzi4.wav Pizzi5.wav Pizzi6.wav Sviol1.wav w piano TREKBASS.WAV Bass15.MS6 Bass15.MS6 Bass-ki2.wav sbare
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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