VJ - Part IV (vanishers_journey_part_4.xm)
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Vanisher III from THOL OnLine Presents Vanisher's Journey - Part IV: What is my fate? Made in France, the May, 24th, 2001 in about 3 hours and a half, including the sampling... Instrument 1 was sampled by V. III with Stomper Hyperion 5.0 and the demo of Sound Forge 5 Instrument 2 was sampled by V. III with Hammer Head Rythm Station (Thanks to _MATT_) Instrument 3 was sampled by V. III with Stomper Hyperion 5.0 Instruments 4 and 5 were sampled by V. III with the R. Hoffman's TS 404 Emulator version 1.05 beta and converted to .wav with Sound Forge 5.0 Instrument 7 was taken from the GM.DLS of DirectX 8.0 Instruments 9 and 10 were voiced by V. III and downpitched with Sound Forge 5.0 As Stomper is a pretty good freeware, I advise you to download it at: http://www.Master-Zap.com Greetz: All the THOL crew, especially: Airik *Acid*boy* Lyviathan _MATT_ Nec Rawkstah Other trackers I met: Olethros Mr_Lou DJ_HRO$$I Claus Brostorm Nicolas Charvet Vanguard Deep respects to: All the N-Zone crew especially: GoorOO General Dream DsT Zed DJ_Scorpia The blackhole members (even if the blackhole seems to be dead... I'll miss your compos, guys...): Emolient/Sensphere Emphonic (hey, when will you make another mod?!?) Purusa Praktki Thrawn Osmium Schemer Nexus Matrix cubed Many oupses and "sorries" for those I forgot =^) Thol's URL: http://thol.one37.com Thol's mail: tholonline_hotmail.com Vanisher III's mail: vanisheriii_hotmail.com
Vanisher's Journey ----- Part 4 ------ By Vanisher III For THOL OnLine ------------------ Sampled by V.III Sampled by V.III Sampled by V.III Sampled by V.III Sampled by V.III _ GM.DLS Voiced by V.III Voiced by V.III
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