Brontoskopets Makt (brontoskopets_makt.xm)
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tHIS oNE bY : vEGARD! (BABE) (BEAM) (NOCTURNAL) (MU PROD.) bEWARE i'M gUARDED ------------------ lOVE lETTERS tO : All in BEAM,NCT and my homies in BABE (vi er saa deilige) aND aLL i dON'T bOTHER tO mENTION! sPECIAL rESPECT 2 : Oyvind, Totto, Carsten Haakon, Size, and my fellah LONEWOLF !!! Wanna contact me for some reason : Vegard Wolf Dyvik Voss Folkehogskule 5700 Voss Norway After may 1997 : Landgraffsvei 11 4890 Grimstad -------------------- Egil er kun et navn... my first d'n'b mod ! korte hilsninger ogsaa til: ANDROMEDA gutta SPACEBALLS jentene ex SCOOPEX folka og MELON ene !!! tOTAL rESPECT tO : mUM, dAD aND mY mOST bEAUTIFUL gIRLFRIEND. nO lOSER dRUMLOOPS tO bE fOUND hERE !!!!! cONTACT mE iF yOU nEED dEMO oR gAME mUSIC. mAYBE I aND lONEY cAN hELP yOU. aLL I nEED iS A lITTLE sPACE - sAMPLED bY mE, fROM nICOLETTE. dURRATION : lOOP !!! I KNOW !!! to the folks back home i miss you guys ! i'm looking forward to snowboard with you again, lazer! we also need to go raving pretty soon ! i miss the old AMIGA scene, where things were fun, nowadays the scene is boring !! respect to my favs : MOBY,AUDIOMONSTER and DI33Y !!! " how can we hate " the sheep is soon mine to eat, or will i let it go free ? what will it be ? finished at : 27.09.96 under protection from: THE XANADU ZYKO FORZ !! (fucking Z X thing !) aMIGA kICKS aSS rEKTUM KAUDA SUXX !!! sCREAM aT mE sHOW mE yOUR fACE sCRAMBLED eGGS sHOW mE yOUR fACE nO mORE eGGS sCREAM iT oUT oR lEAVE iT bE ------------------- . . . . . . . . . . . . . dESIGN . ... think about it ... A Kosmic Release Info: As the mc3 deadline demo-style song (whi
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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