Abstract Inspiration (abstract_inspiration.xm)
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_VeritaS 97-11-20 ------------------- -DreamWorks Design -presents -VeritaS ------------------- -Abstract Inspiration- ------------------- This is the first song which I intentionally made weird. I did a pretty good job of it to. Don't ya think so :) Anyway, the song started sort of as a drumnconga pattern. I gotta tell you that just LUVE the way conga drums sounds. Greetz goes to: Heatseaker Auzio Mr.Zenap Lizardking Basehead Contact me at: fredrik.lundgren_ mbox302.swipnet.se or visit my homepage at: hem2.passagen.se/ m081tts/index.html Please stay tuned for more of my music. The future: I am currently working on a collection of songs from the anime TENCHI MUYO If you want them, you should check into my homepage every now and then to see if I have uploaded any more. -Se Ya on the net!! -Ja ne!!! Made for my 2nd music disk: Different- -Inspiration ( ( s t e r e o ) ) ---------------- As always, this song was made for stereo use only!!! You did a great job sampling from the AKRIA OST. Hope you don't mind me using them By the way, the song you made that I got the samples from: NEOTOKYO Man that was a great song!!!!! Hope ya don't mind me using your conga drums. Hey, he always listens to my tunes and have managed to stay alive :) What courage :P I had a great time on the boat back from ASM95
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