Sad Inspirations (sad_inspirations.xm)
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_Copyright 97-11-22 ------------------- -DreamWorks Design -presents -VeritaS ------------------- - Sad Inspirations - ------------------- Du är min förtvivlan och min kraft, du tog allt eget liv jag haft, och därför att du krävde allt gav du tillbaka tusenfalt. -Karin Boye This sad piece was inspired from the anime series "GUNBUSTER" The poem written by Karin Boye seems, at least to me, describe the very core of that series. Contact me at: fredrik.lundgren_ or Visit my homepage at: m801tts/ ( ( s t e r e o ) ) ---------------- This song was made for stereo use only. Created for my 2nd music disk: Different- -Inspiration Greetz goes to: GAINAX (of course) All members of DWD Everyone on the Tenchi ML Ranma ML Shirow ML Megami ML FanFic ML Everybody on #ANIME on Swipnet Greetz for samples: Khyron for piano Bashead for flute Reptile for the rest This song is very special to me. Please do not use it without asking me first. Do you like this I would be very interrested in what you think of this song!!! The poem I used is called "Till Dig" and was writtin by the swedish poet Karin Boye in 1941.
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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