Someday Somebody (someday_somebody.xm)
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VeritaS 96-10-22 -------------------- -DreamWorks Design -presents -VeritaS -------------------- - Someday Somebody - -------------------- When I created this song I worked for 6 days, almost non stop. I spent almost 20 hours a day working on this song and only 4 hours a day on eating and sleeping. When it was done I sleept for 24 hours straight. Oh, and by the way. It's really a cover of a song from the anime series "Sailor Moon". ------------------- Greetz goes out to: Naoko Takeuchi Greetz for samples: Vouge, Stalker and.... Uh... I really have to start remebering where i get my samples from. Sorry if your not greeted for a sample!
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