Global Conquest (global_conquest.xm)
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The Good StuffSummary
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brite piano fmsynthsnare fmsynthtombe SNAREDRM34 brite piano suprabase Tamborin.pat Sawwave.pat d e c Slowstr.pat Bagpipes.pat Recorder.pat BASEDRM CONGA TIMBALE INTRSPCE.MAINFADE2 SNAREDRM 3 BASE-DRUM1 BASE1 TR909.BD1 TR909.SD1 BREAKBEAT3 HIHAT-OPEN breakbeat2 breakbeat3 INTRSPCE.MAINFADE2 -= Tune By =- -= VV / AcMe =- -= DGA 1995 =- -= (C) 1/04/95 =- -=Vincent Voois=- fmsynthsnare fmsynthtombe SNAREDRM34 NoName NoName NoName NoName NoName NoName NoName NoName NoName d e c NoName NoName NoName NoName NoName NoName BASEDRM CONGA TIMBALE INTRSPCE.MAINFADE2 SNAREDRM 3 BASE-DRUM1 BASE1 TR909.BD1 TR909.SD1 BREAKBEAT3 HIHAT-OPEN INTRSPCE.MAINFADE2
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
This is pretty cool... cool what? I can't really describe the style, but it's a really nice melodic track. Those piano chords are really cool, the dance beat fits, the melodies are nice.