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- Myriad Mice - (_myriad_mice_.xm)

Info Summary

  • _myriad_mice_.xm is a XM format module. Uncompressed, it is 634.82KB in size and has been downloaded 242 times since Sat 12th Feb 2005 :D

Info Info

  • Mod Archive ID: 152913
  • Downloads: 242
  • Favourited: 0 times
  • MD5: 9c3f9f7af5f92be2859622341c747785
  • Format: XM
  • Channels: 18
  • Uncompressed Size: 634.82KB
  • Genre: n/a

License License


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  • Member Rating: rating (Unrated)
  • Reviewer Rating: rating (Unrated)

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Info Internal Texts *

     -= P.P.P. =-

   Proudly Presents

   * Myriad Mice *

  by Vinz & RAChain

RAC:            Yo! VR
    productions lives!
            (again ;))
Vinz: Yes, and why did
      we make this XM?
       Uh, ohyeah, and
   because The PPP was
    founded exactly (I
  think) one year ago!
         (In Rome! ;))
RAC: Not to mention to
      win da symbiosis
          compo!!! >:)
Vinz:  Ofcourse! Let's
    hope everybody can
 appreciate this weird
     combination of...
eh... what, trance and
RAC: Err... I dunno...
   and with commercial
   piano chords in the
            middle :))
Vinz: Yeah, the judges
can't miss those! ;)))
RAC:    Hehehehe, hey,
this is ME remember ;)
Vinz:    Yes, it's the
"Lord of Chords"!!! 8)
RAC:  Exactly... so...
 how 'bout some greetz
           or sumphin?
Vinz:   Well, a lot of
  guys would be pissed
 off if we missed them
:) So, RAC, care to do
           the honors?
RAC:    Sure! (Vinz is
   always too lazy ;))
        Ok, here goes:
Vinz:      In order of
   importance ofcourse
Vinz / PPP
RAChain / PPP
The rest of The PPP
(special greet to
RAChain would like to
greet Mary from
Montana, couse she
could use some
support, living
without a computer and
all ;)
(And simply 'couse
she's sweet :))
And Liesje ofcourse :)
Cya! (IRL :))
After Rachain had his
babes, Vinz would like
to give special greetz
to Wanda ;)

RAC:     Time for some
scene dudes I guess...
Calimero / TF
4-Ice / TF
Furee / TF
Splinter / TF
Quoz / BMP (on the
members list yet? ;))
Neotraxx / RBI
Cheezer / CMD
the Viper / Radon
Respect to
Explizit & Destiny

Now the non-scener-
net-people :)
all on #zeeland
And sum IRL dudes:
Zeus: you got your
greet in 'rest of PPP'
Mr. Mark
And last, and also
least >:)

RAC:    Like... are we
 supposed to say more?
Vinz:  Guess not... :)
RAC:   Well, if anyone
disagrees, mail me at:
     rachain_dds.nl ;)
Vinz:      And you can
 flame me all you want
          at the_vinz_
The PPPage is at:
~the_ppp or

RAC & Vinz say:
"Bye all!"

(C) The P.P.P. 1997

M.C. Chain
Sampled by The Vinz
_ P.P.P. 1997

McChain & M.C.V.
Sampled by The Vinz
_ P.P.P. 1997

* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
