"Just another world" (just_another_world.xm)
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By Wilder of Digital Xperience |||||||||||||||||||||| _ 1999 Israel Millan. All rights Reserved ---------------------- Thanks to Awesome of Wild Bits & Digital for his help, support and friendship. Thanks to Joice and Karsten Koch for some samples. More credits in every sample info. ---------------------- Version para el V Concurso de Ficheros Musicales PCMANIA /////////////////// Y llegado el momento de saludar antes de nada un saludete para el resto de miembros de Digital Xperience: Tropy, Dawn, Alqui, Frieden y Piru. Y tambien un saludo especial para mi "tito Awesome, compa±ero en D.X. Music gracias al cual he sido capaz de hacer algo que sonara medio bien. Y como no, un saludo para mis padres y hermanos. Y a la pe±a del aburriento. Tambien quisiera salud a Finn Renard por su simpatico mensaje. ********************** Para contactar: Digital Xperience Music (Wilder) Moncayo 7 1A 21006 Huelva ********************** Si quieres hablar 617055500/959561008 ********************** wilder_teleline.es ********************** Y tambien puedes saber mas en: www.lanzadera.com/ digitalxperience ********************** Ah, tambien un saludo Para mis compa±eros de Piso: Sergio y Albert. Y otro a mis compa±ero en la Escuela Politecnica Superior de La Rabida: Ale, Miguel, Velez, Carolina, Noelia, Maite, Dani, Rocio, Gloria,etc... Y otro saludo mas para Visent que esta en Barcelona y para Sergio y Raquel de Madrid. Agradecer tambien a Fernando Maito e Ingo por su ayuda en el concierto de septbr del cual podeis ver fotos en la web de Digital Xperience ********************* _ Israel Millan.1999 To the people that lives loving the pure feeling for the music and searching for the improving of their lifes and themselves. Release Date : July'99 ---------------------- "Just another world " by Wilder Geist 32 channels Stereo Running time 2 56 ---------------------- Note : Listen to this with Fast Tracker 2. Cubic doesn't handle volumes correctly. If not, use Surround option. Thanks to Members : Dedicado a bass by joice sample by joice From sample CDs From Sample Cds From Karsten Koch Yes...Ripped..Sorry. estrayk & evelred! estrayk & evelred! From Sergio Dj. From the Module Awesome hihat From Evelred and Evelred and Estrayk From Lizardking browl.1 browl.2 browl.3 browl.4 browl.5 browl.6 browl.8 NoName by Falcon Sample Cds Sample Cds Crshcym2.wav Made by Impression From Impression The Best Piano ever by the great : Noisyman / Iguana Cool Keyboards, David!!! From Impression Sample by 58-hi.wav by evelred & estrayk! Zap by Sergio Dj Awesome breath!! by Sergio DJ Module by Awesome Sample by K.Koch Sample by K.Koch Sample by K.Koch Sample by K.Koch Sample by K.Koch Sample by K.Koch Sample by K.Koch
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