untitled chip (no entry) (hyo-compo_.it)
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UNTITLED CHIPTUNE Made while entering the Modshrine One Hour Compo at #mod_shrine EsperNet 8th of october 2006 This song DID NOT enter that compo. I didn't enter ANY song in this compo. But in most compos I make more than one song and I'll enter with the song I like the most. // Hyochan the_incorrect_project_hotmail.com
Square 1 | Rules Square 2 | at 0B Square 3 Square 4 Triangle Wave Noise Noise Hat Noise Snare DPCM BassDrum DPCM SnareDrum RULES ---------- Channel 1: Square Channel 2: Square Channel 3: Triangle Channel 4: Noise Channel 5: DPCM - 16 volume levels for square channels. - 2 levels for the triangle (on / off) - 16 levels for the noise - 1 level for the DPCM YOU MAY ADD DPCM 4.wav 4.wav 5.wav 5.wav
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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