GOB-France Frienship-03cj (cyborgjeffandmoby-bounga03.it)
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music composed by moby_of_sanity in the early 92. used in drd's demo called 'from france'. Seb - So - Debo - Pierrik _________________________ #Spirit of the Chaos# ImEx-Gooroo-Zed-LLB-Beat- gfx by multimedia production proudly presents for PPP Team Software creadream label with help of K93 MUTTHE~3.WAV BENNASI2.WAV XANDEE~2.WAV XANDEE~1.WAV ========================= trackers_work creadream multimedia prod = = = = = = = = = = = = = Boue Team Game ---GANG-OF-BOUE--- by Toad n Batchman ..credits track.. #France Friendship# _________________________ an original funk track from Moby aka Elmobo [Frederic Motte] remixed et remasterised once again[not first mix] by cyb0rgjeff [Pierre Martin] _________________________ contact cyborg_teledisnet.be http://www.creadream.org 4 multimedia production www.trackersatwork.com 4 team _________________________ SO U NEED TO DOWNLOAD THE GAME He''' _________________________ smps from . Moby original track . Crazy Man . Gdream . Yamaha DJX greetz to... ARF Gdream-Gooroo-K93-Toad Logic Dream-Elmobo-Pype Jessica-Monele-Luckymog Tbob-Genetic Gemini Nightflowers-Paranoyak Phenixir-Gedeon Del Canar Yero-Antoine... gasp certainly forgot some other ... sorry 6-11-03 DRUM CORRECTION PANNEL MUTTHE~3.WAV
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Artist's Comments
remix of a song of Moby (Frédéric Motte)
Souvent, lors de nos échanges avec Tohad, il me fait écouter certains morceaux qu'il aimerait survolté pour l'un de ses projets de jeux vidéo indépendants, je m'étais donc lancé fin 2003 à retravailler le module amiga BOUNGA.MOD du grand musicien scener français Moby, qui à l'époque commençait déjà à se faire appeler Elmobo.
Je n'en étais pas à mon premier remix de son travail, puisque j'avais déjà eu l'occasion de prendre plaisir à faire quelques remixs des compositions qu'il avait écrites pour le jeu Fury of the Furries.
Quelques mois plus tard, j'ai bien l'idée d'apporter quelques petits correctifs et améliorations à ce remix, qui en hommage à tous mes amis musiciens et sceners français s'appellera "France Friendship"
Often, during our exchanges with Tohad, he makes me listen to some tracks that he would like to overdrive for one of his independent video game projects, so I started at the end of 2003 to rework the amiga module BOUNGA.MOD of the great French musician scener Moby, who at that time was already starting to be called Elmobo.
This was not my first remix of his work, as I had already had the opportunity to enjoy making some remixes of the compositions he had written for the game Fury of the Furries.
A few months later, I have the idea to bring some small corrections and improvements to this remix, which in homage to all my French musicians and sceners friends will be called "France Friendship". - cyborg jeff