The Forgotten Deep (
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-= The Forgotten Deep =- By Maelstrom of Schallmauer Productions Completed 12/7/97 The idea for this song popped into my head one night as I was watching an old episode of X-Files. It was episode 43, "Dod Kalm." It's the one where Mulder and Scully get trapped on a rusting boat in the ocean somewhere near Norway, and they begin to age very rapidly. Near the end, Scully is writing in her journal, "I think I hear the wolf at the door..." She then drops her pen and passes out as music begins. The first two, low chords of the background music really grabbed me, and I had to stop the tape. In my head, I began to compose a song based on those two powerful chords. They became the first two bassline chords of this song. I'm not really sure where my title came from, but somehow it seems fitting for a variety of reasons. I wrote this song over the course of a month. Initially, it was more techno-y, but I decided I liked it this way much better. Maybe I'll do a techno remix of it sometime. I finally figured out how to save samples in a format that Impulse Tracker could understand, so I set out to enhance/edit/and clean up some of the samples in my collection. Finally! The other samples are credited to their respective authors if known. Thanks to them all! Greetz go to (alphabetically): All my new friends at Hewlett-Packard Bongo (Greg) Benoit Bruce Billser (Matt) Chris Carter Dana Scully Deam Des Dr. Zaius (Daniel) Eric Franklin Fox Mulder Jeff and Jen Jared, Alicia, and Hailey J-Pup (Jason) Ksarahz (Sarah) pan (Rob) Tobi Y (Doug) Download my songs from the Mod Archive: Copyright Tim Bock, 1997
High String (Me) Strong Piano (Me) 101 Kick 16Bit Claps (Bert) Low String Mono (Me) Low Flute (Me) Deep Bass (Chuck Biscuits Claps (Beacon) Wooooo minor (Siren) Wooooo major (Siren) Really Deep BD (MF) HH.Closed HH.Open High String (Me) Strong Piano (Me) 101 Kick 16Bit Claps (Bert) Low String Mono (Me) Low Flute (Me) Deep Bass (Chuck Biscuits Claps (Beacon) Wooooo minor (Siren) Wooooo major (Siren) Really Deep BD (MF) HH.Closed HH.Open Press Shift-F9
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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