Open Your Eyes (
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Song #84 - Open Your Eyes Written by David K Newton Completed on 25/12/2006 Length: 6min 06sec --- If you had the chance to reinvent yourself Let go of the memories that remain Have you ever wanted for another time To leave the past behind and start again If you had the chance to leave behind your life Break free of your primitive dark shell Craft your every wish of how you want to be And take on a new form in a new world We can make you better Than you've ever been before Never question why You will never want to leave But to wake up from the dream You must only open your eyes Overlook the falsehood that you've heard of us Even though you've hated for so long Don't you feel a secret doubt that's pushing you A fascination telling you you're wrong They taught you to despise And told you all their lies But we're here, we'll never let you go Forget what you've heard Unlearn what you have learned The unreal is closer than you know We can make you stronger Than you've ever been before Never question why You will never want to leave But to wake up from the dream You must only open your eyes Escape the walls that you built around yourself The constructs of our normal world Now you can find who you truly are inside Don't be afraid to let them know Open your heart Open your mind Spread the wings we've given you And fly into the dream Sanctuary you'll find Your body left behind Ready for the day you're back If you return at all Once you have tasted perfection You will never want to return Innocence and inhibition left far behind You will never be alone We can make you better Than you've ever been before Never question why You will never want to leave But to wake up from the dream You must only open your eyes We can make you perfect Like you've never been before You will never question why But our world is just a dream And if you wish for your return You must only open your eyes
Flash3 In_DisHold In_DisChug Drum Kit Bass € ˆ ˆ Üߺ HighString Guitar Lead In_Piano High Guitar In_Crystal Dr_DisHold Dr_DisChug Dr_ZBass.wav Dr_Splash4 Dr_Splash Dr_HatOut ride.wav Dr_WBass.wav Dr_YSnare Dr_Tom.wav LIDE2.WAV In_Crystal Dr_Splash High Strings ntitled
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