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The Good StuffSummary
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My 1st pHluid release, This song was released on the November pHluid disk along with some other badass songs from pHluid musicians, so I'd go get it right now, ..and why get get all the others too? bibby / pHluid
Piano closed hat soft bass drum light snare Bass floor tom crash closed hat -softer dud- synthetic srtring looped vibe StringLo StringHi the only ending I could think off was a fade out -so I looped it... .. . tracked by ** bibby ** / pHluid email Originally written by John Lewis - 19?? also a ballad - until I put my nasty little hands on it. Sorry John. Original found on the "Modern Jazz Quartet" 's self titled album - -which I've never heard most trcked in MAY.6.96 last edited NOV 11.96 sft-f9 for some info
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