Obsidian Swing (obsidian_swing.it)
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CLIFF BURTON LIVES!! ambi hat3 ambi hat2 ambi hat1 ride bell bassdrum1 light.poppy.snare hihat8open.concerto hihat8closed.concerto crash.cymbal.echo tom.leviathan drum.set2.beat.1 drum.set2.beat.2 drum.set2.beat.3 drum.set2.beat.4 drum.set2.beat.5 ride.cymbal.1 bongo.set2.1 bongo.set2.2 bongo.set2.3 bongo.set2.4 jazz horn d2_mcs.com flute2.lev marcato.string.16.but d2_mcs.com 106MILES.WAV Harp.pulse NoName Glockenspiel.pulse Pan.Flute choir.vivid KettleDrum.2 [DrumTip] Tapp [-----+--] bongo.set2.1 bongo.set2.2 bongo.set2.3 bongo.set2.4 TEST2.VOC TEST3.VOC TEST4.VOC TEST5.VOC TEST7.VOC TEST8.VOC ROOS2.WAV ROOS.WAV COW.WAV HELL1.WAV CATLICK.WAV MEOW1.WAV PURRS.WAV MMMGOOD.WAV Splosh HAHA.WAV look, we ripped tony off! CLIFF BURTON LIVES!! hihat8open.concerto hihat8closed.concerto crash.cymbal.echo ride bell bassdrum1 light.poppy.snare mighty,deep.bassy.tomdrum jazz horn NoName Harp.pulse NoName flute2.lev ride.cymbal.1 d2_mcs.com marcato.string.16.but Glockenspiel.pulse 106MILES.WAV τ τ τ τ τ Pan.Flute choir.vivid [DrumPat] Patt [----+---] [DrumTip] Tapp [-----+--] bongo.set2.1 bongo.set2.2 bongo.set2.3 bongo.set2.4 TEST7.VOC TEST8.VOC TEST.VOC INCONCV.WAV CATLICK.WAV MEOW1.WAV PURRS.WAV MMMGOOD.WAV Splosh HAHA.WAV we ripped tony off again!
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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