Anywhere (
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Anywhere. The final tune of the 'where' trilogy. A bit of cooperation between Argh! and Ballistique. Chord progressions 1 & 3, piano, bass, strings, horn, perc - Argh! Chord progression 2, bass, horn, guitar, perc - Ballistique. Started Track: 12 April 1997, 18:00 Had Dinner: 12 April 1997, 18:30 Continued Track: 12 April 1997, 20:30 Started GP2: 12 April 1997, 21:00 Killed Schumacher: 12 April 1997, 21:05 Killed selves: 12 April 1997, 21:30 Quit GP2: 12 April 1997, 21:31 Made Coffee: 12 April 1997, 21:32 Continued Track: 12 April 1997, 21:35 Finished Track: 12 April 1997, 23:45 Went on irc: 13 April 1997, 00:00 Greeting to ourselves. No greets to CC for wiping our decent perc. Argh would like to greet Lemm. Bal wouldn't cos he's touchy. Instead Bal would like to greet his 3 cats, Hartley, Amy and Lulu - not that they're likely to read this. Bal would also like to greet his drunk parents. They can read this, but they'll have forgotten about it by tomorrow. - TB (
distorted guitar distorted guitar (fade) bassdrum snare closed hihat open hihat strings piano lo piano high bass horn horn (fade) synth guitar crescendo korg.synth bass laxity.finger bass roland.piano hihat proteus.closed hihat lemm.string <-----------------------> *rock snare *rock bassdrum *crescendo *guitar *horn <-----------------------> Shift+F9 for stuff. <----------------------->
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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