Sky X-Files. Version 1. (
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X-themes... Magic themes for me. I have a number of modules of x-themes, CD. (Why Robert Miles was included?) And... The time came to write my own version. Yes, it came. Here is it. I think, some parts of this music was inspired by "The day of the city". It's a nice holiday here. Once a year. Too much to say about this year, so, let's leave it unsaid. Abitrator of Emotion Desert, Skyer Emotion Desert web page:
X-FILES by Skyer Trance edition. FINAL EDITION 1 As it said, today, June, 1, 1997 I release a first edition of my version of x-files theme. Since today, all beta versions are invalid and should be erased. What's more to say? If you want to use this music in your programs, please contact me or let me know. Anyway, it's free. This song is a part of Emotion Desert ---------------- archives. ----------- ~skyer/edes ftp://mmedia0.soros. I am happy to finish it today. All exams passed, 2 months of interesting work coming... I like the nearest future. There is even more to compose and it's not the end of the my x-themes. I want to continue. It's cool theme. Hints: don't listen it at high volume. It's pretty loud for this. And, I'd recommend low bass speakers. It sounds better with good bass. Skyer ByteFall'97 edition Piano High piano Synth Crash Decay Snare Snare beat drum Alarm coolbass.440 SynBass Bass Ieeeee
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