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Nominated by the crew for either outstanding quality, technique or creativity (or combination of) on 22nd Jul 2007
The Good StuffSummary
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Though this is my first release this is not my first song. You can thank Blanka for sparing you'all a measure of bad songness! Blanka made N-trak mainly for me so I could "belong to a group" and to have a name to work and improve under. Notes on this song:Sure it's techno but it's also my first release, hopefully people will think this is better than most (HORNET, GIVE ME STARS OR GIVE ME DEATH!). I spent nearly 20 hours on this. Hopefully as I get better I'll be spending alot less time on each song and they'll get better. Many Many Mucho Thanks go out to Blanka for his patience and guidance with this. He helped me rewrite several parts and to lengthen this and to give it better structure while still allowing _me_ to write it. "I believe every piece of music has already been written, all a composer does is pull it together from the air. The song is already there it just needs 'decoding'". -Blanka- Dec. '96 anyways all the samples are stolen or ripped or whatever for this release. I plan on learning some sampling and making my own for future releases.... Uh...since I don't really know anybody (outside of Blanka)I can't really give greets out but how about respects..... Respects go out to - Necros, Basehead, All the rest of FM. Uhhh. Whoever else is good that I can't remember.... L8r and stuff - Slate '97 - (c) 1997 N-Trak Productions
Yo' goto either f3 or shift-f9 for stuff. Hey Hey Hey! D.J. Slate at the controls. Welcome to the second ever N-Trak release! This is also my first release. Check out the info page (shift-f9) for more info.... Slate '97 N-trak
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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