'cafe at night' (cafe_at_night.it)
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Nominated by the crew for either outstanding quality, technique or creativity (or combination of) on 6th Sep 2007
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Posted by Arne Puszelski on Fri 5th Jun 2009, rated 9 / 10.
Very great mixture out of different music styles. Very great composition with great samples. Very good ideas for the different parts and all parts were tracked very well! Great music!
Very great mixture out of different music styles. Very great composition with great samples. Very good ideas for the different parts and all parts were tracked very well! Great music!
Internal Texts *
'cafe at night' musical scenes by Gene Wie a.k.a. Psibelius email: psibelius_gts2k.com i. city noises ii. table for two iii. tango iv. waltz v. conversation vi. candlelight for Gladys Joy Umali Thank you for your friendship and support in troubled times. This piece is loosely representative though not entirely based on the art work of the same name by Vincent van Gogh; rather it is musically symbolic of the noble traditions of "breaking bread together" that is the hallmark of social gatherings. Alto Saxophone and Violin solos were performed by me, recorded using my Sharp 722 MD recorder and a sony ECM 717 microphone. Guitar sample from July 2000 Disc 22 edition of Computer Music Interactive. Other samples from various Roland and Proteus machines. a pHluid music production http://phluid.acid.org/ 20 October 2000 Copyright (c) 2000 Gene Wie
guitar intro hihat / hihat - hihat \ kick ride cymbal crash cymbal snare sticks tamborine low tom mid tom acoustic bass grand piano bells marcato strings vibraslap cafe noise street noise super cymbal splash sax solo part one sax solo part two violin solo guitar intro hihat / hihat - hihat \ kick ride cymbal crash cymbal snare sticks tamborine low tom mid tom acoustic bass grand piano octave 1 grand piano octave 2 grand piano octave 2.5 grand piano octave 3 grand piano octave 4 grand piano octave 5 bells marcato strings vibraslap cafe noise street noise super cymbal splash sax solo part one sax solo part two violin solo 'cafe at night' musical scenes by Gene Wie aka Psibelius psibelius_gts2k.com 1. brief city noises 2. table for two 3. tango 4. waltz 5. conversation 6. candlelight 20 October 2000 Copyright (c) Gene Wie SHIFT-F9 for info
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
Although the samples aren't really the best, this is a brilliant soundscape. Very enjoyable mixture of different styles and places.