A trip to slavery (a_trip_to_slavery.it)
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"A trip to slavery" by PPessi of TymPanic Productions _____________________________________________________ I've to say this was not an easy mod to make. Even the chord progression is pretty simple and the whole shit is based on the same base theme, it's quite hard (at least for me!) to get this kind of music to sound good. I think one reason is that I haven't made many fast techno tracks like this. It took couple of of months to finish this. I made the first pattern in June, but it didn't work out then. Two months later I tried again (in a small fever) and succeeded to get a satisfying result. You might find some influences from Prodigy and Purple Motion and some other great artists... Anyway, if you need any kind of music (everything from classical to hardcore) for commenrial or non- commenrial product, or you just want to hear more great music, please visit the official TymPanic Productions website at www.mbnet.fi/~tympanic or just contact me at ppessi_hotmail.com. _____________________________________________________ Well, if you really want to know, I can tell you some- thing: Sometimes I'm think I've lost my ability to make mods and sometimes it feels like I'd be using IT for the first time. When I finally manage to compose some- thing I'd call good, I'm very happy. Greetz go to Aksu... bongos, eh?
Made by: PPessi 8/2001 TymPanic Productions ppessi_hotmail.com mbnet.fi/~tympanic Made in Finland
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