a hell of a job (a_hell_of_a_job.it)
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Nominated by the crew for either outstanding quality, technique or creativity (or combination of) on 8th Sep 2007
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"Damn, that was a hell of a job." This confusing song is created by the hellish: _____________________________________ | ____ | Y O M I |)=========|=========================| |_________|_________R E C O R D S_____|) | | ) | ( / | S a M P L e M a S T e R | | |___/ |_________________________| ) / ( ] For the Bar Wars compo #19! :) I always wanted to make a song like this for Bar Wars, and somehow I felt this was an excelent chanche. This is actually my first experience with this style. I always liked to listen it, and now, I made it... Either it's good or not, I let you decide. I can't judge about myself. I had an ocean of time: [drumroll] 15 hours lady's and gentlepeople! This song is quite complex, and you must understand it to like it. (Or you have to like it to understand it.) Please, take your time for that. I know you guys wont do it but if you have nothing to do, listen to this (at least) twice, you'll get a better feeling, I guarantee. The transistions seem weird, but theoreticly they're all correct. Fact. :) Yeah, one sample added, the electric FM-piano (sample 20), made by me. Pretty kewl one heh.... :) Play this in any player you whish EXCEPT SONIQUE which really messes up at some point... troubles with auto-vibrations FX I guess. Also, prefered is to play at 44KHz instead of 48KHz... (no hi-hats... :)) Again I was not that efficient with NNA's. I'm sorry about that, but when I think I need them, I use them. I'll get a better feeling about my own end-production... you don't want to take that away from me, do ya.... Good luck people, congrats to the winner! (I'm sorry for last time, I exedently congratulated myself... how could I know) Greetz: SaMPLeMaSTeR from Yomi Records ______________________________________________________________________________
synth1 synth2 synth3q brass synth5 synth6 bass dum metal strings synth7 snare1 bassd1 ride1 ahh synth9 bassd2 bass piano synth1 synth2 synth3q brass synth5 synth6 bass dum metal strings synth7 snare1 bassd1 ride1 ahh ynth8 synth9 bassd2 bass untitled (C) SaMPLeMaSTeR
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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