Carte Blanche (groevend) (
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'~~~~~\ /~~~~~~~\ /~~~~~~~~~\/~~~~~~~~~~\/~~~~~, /~~~~~, ! ggg ! j _ggg_ `' gggggggga ggggggggg_ gga ]j gga ] ! QQQ ! ' dQQQQQb QQQQQQQQQQ QQQQQQQQQQp QQK ]j QQK ] ! QQQ ! f QQQ QQQ jQQ! `QQK QQK QQK ] ! QQQ ! j dQQP SQQk ggggggQQQ' ggggggQQQ! QQQgggggQQK ] ! QQQp t ! qQQW QQQp QQQQQMMMW' QQQQQQQQQ" QQQQQQQQQQK ] ! dQQQ_ ~~~~~ QQQ' _ `QQQ QQQQQQQg_ QQW QQK QQK ] d QQQQQQQQQQ jQQP M QQQb QQ!`"MQQQQK QQM j~~~~j QQK ]j QQK ] `, `9QQQQQQQ QQQ f t QQQ QQ! `"QK QQ0 j j QQK ]j QQK ] \._____________v x_________/`'*________/ v_____/ v_____/ P R E S E N T S ·C·A·R·T·E· ·B·L·A·N·C·H·E· (groevende remix) 1999: Larph
Larph presents: Carte Blanche (groevende remix) ((- In full stereo! -)) Most of the samples were recorded both left and right. This way the song gets very nice stereo-fx. Along with the 16bit quality this track sounds very clear. Due to the many tracks your player has to process, you may experience some glitches. Then I suggest that you Export this .IT-phile to a .WAV-phile using Modplug tracker for example. 1999: Larph
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Nice 90s trance track with high quality samples and nice melodies. Well done!