/\lpha (alpha.it)
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/\/\/\/\/\/\This song was written in 2 hours by me,Distortion/\/\/\/\/\/\/ October 1997 ((--Delete tracks 17,17,18 from the start and it sounds better.--)) If anyone knows where I can get really cool samples for free: E-Mail Me at Kalnin_Direct.ca I am part of the programming group "Cold Response" here in Vancouver. We are: -Distortion (Chris Kalnin) E-mail : cr_distortion_geocities.com :Wannabe Musicician,Decent Programmer,Half-Ass Animator. -Corrosion (Ryan Blazecka) E-mail : _corrosion__geocities.com :Devoted Programmer,Decent Animator. -ArchAngel (Cam Stringer) E-mail : cstringer_lynx.bc.ca :Pascal Programmer,Animator (He owns 3DStudio). Check Out: (Ryan) -www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Peaks/4824 (Chris) -www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Horizon/5234 Any trackers in Vancouver Canada, gimme a shout. Eh? >>>>>>> Looking For A Top Notch Sprite Editor and Paint Program?? <<<<<<< Well, look no further, RSE (Ryan's Sprite Editor) Can be found At His Website. Look for my next song : (Chromium Oxide).
808 Closed HiHat housebeat1.nexus housebeat2.nexus housebeat3.nexus droidnoize2.???? tr707.crash.tek tech2hit.???? tech4hit.???? tech6hit.???? tech8hit.???? ry10.kick04.tek Necros.Isotoxin.Loop grr1 grr2 Thick Bass Cool low bass sound thepower.snd (no header) RY-10 Clap THEFLLWN.WAV BOOM Drum good drumz beat /\/\/\DISTORTION 97\/\/\/ Nexus.Beat.█ 1 Nexus.Beat.██ 2 Nexus.Beat.███ 3 BuzzNoise Crash Cymbal Closed HiHat Techsound. 1 █ Techsound. 2 █ Techsound. 3 █ Techsound. 4 Bass Drum Grr1 Grr2 Thick Bass Cool low bass sound The Power Sound RY-10 Clap THEFLLWN.WAV BOOM Drum good drumz beat ========================= It is HIGHLY reccomended that you listen to this MOD with speakers that are capable of massive deep bass. (I use 2x10" Sansui woofers, with 2x10" passive radiators) -Play in Impulse Tracker- ========================= Much thanx to all the people who made these samples. ========================= >--((Press Shift+F9.))--< /^\ //^\\ ///^\\\ ////^\\\\ ///// \\\\\ ///// \\\\\ ///// \\\\\ ///// \\\\\ ///// ALPHA \\\\\ /////===========\\\\\ ///// \\\\\ ///// \\\\\ \\\\Brought to you by//// -\\\\ Cold Response ////- \\\\ We are: //// |-Distortion (Chris)| |-Corrosion (Ryan) | |-ArchAngel (Cam) | \===================/ Made in Canada. Oct 1997 /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ For lotsa cool trax go to trax in space at center-nebula.com \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ Greetz To : L.Dog (Urban DK) BAD transition from 16-21 Track 16 Sucks.
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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