altered reality (
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greetings... kX^mode here... bringing you another... tremor from my mind, so to speak... this time around i choose the gothic sounds of the music for the Dark City movie preview... i was so impressed by what i heard, the first time, that since then it has been my mission to compose some type of mix based off of that music... i think i have succeeded with this piece... greets: everyone i know (you know who you are :) ) sample greets: replay, psibelius, mellowd, hunz original samples, that are done by me, are mainly the original Dark City sound clips... use them if you wish, so long as i get due proper credit... email: be sure to pick up "transition" & "lifepod"... my 2 new albums coming out soon... well, that's it for now... . . k X m o d e ^ A C i D : :............>end of transmission<... ...alter your reality... see dark city... <02/29/98>
( #kXmode:pHluid ------------------------- 07:40 press SHIFT+F9
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