dusk city 6:13 (dusk_city.it)
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dusk city 6:13 5.5.98-10.5.98 copyright 1998 leonard :paniq: ritter paniq_geocities.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------- uses resonant filter midi effects, so please dont listen to it with impulse tracker as long as you dont have a MMX cpu. use MikIt instead.
p a n i q presents a guest release for tokyo dawn records "dusk city" 00h06m13s style: oldskool till hardstep peter thoms drumkit kick ptd csdhh ptd snare ptd light kick ptd snare 2 ptd openhh ptd snare 3 ptd light snare ptd crash oldskool loop A oldskool loop B badass kick badass snare hardsynth 909 kick 909 snare 909 ride proper bass shitty warm synth analogic synth 808 hh reverse crash ooh yeah taken from some stupid music prog beatbox (me) shitty warm synth (cut) good ol' amen limited
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