Mind Warp (mind_warp.it)
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Nominated by the crew for either outstanding quality, technique or creativity (or combination of) on 21st Sep 2007
The Good StuffSummary
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WARNING: ((( Listen at your own risk!! ))) - S.B. (Subsonic Bass) Radiation is present in this - tune and may cause serious "Mindphuck". Dear Listener, I have created some "Tribal Acid" here for your enjoyment. To really get the effect, use earphone, but... PLEASE be VERY CAREFUL with the VOLUME. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- >> This is a serious warning! << Notes on the tune: - Well, I thought to myself, "what sort of monster should I create this time?". In the end after stuffing around for a few hours, I landed a trancy riff. The panning has been taken care of with the use of my new headphones which tend to have a bit too much bass (it's starting to make me see things!) - External samples include ======================== - Sine Wave from TT31 which is (Fucking Fantastic!). - The wierd drum sample which was basically the drum track in this tune, which I spat out using IT's Disk Writer at 44.1 khz 16 bit, then abused to hell! - Crash Cymbal - 909 Clap G R E E T Z =========== ------- OZ Tracking Scene OZ Groupies/GFX/Coders ----------------- ---------------------- .AcidRain .Bliss .Astrid .BlackArtist .Caliban .HB .ChuckB .Lynelle .Clef .Cullyn .Firelight .Hunz .Legend .MickRip .Ozone .Phorte .Pulse .Turrican
DON'T PlAY with CP1.7!!! ========================= b.waw3 b.waw4 b.waw5 b.waw6 c.kick drum c.elec org c.elec bass drum b.bass b.bass c.synth rez b.fsolish crash b.fsolish bass drum b.fsolish snare c.flute b.sine b.acid sound b.voices c.synth gtr c.closed hihat c.open hihat b.acid rezonatix c.accordion c.snare c.tom * Sine * YbCR08 Beat * Crash Cymbol 909E.WAV M I N D <> W A R P ------------------- BY: Yannis Brown For Cruelization 08 Press SHIFT-F9 for info Email: Yannis_zip.com.au ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Yannis Brown ~~~~~~~~~~~~
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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