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Radioactive Playground (radioactive_playground.it)

Info Summary

  • radioactive_playground.it is a IT format module. Uncompressed, it is 1.05MB in size and has been downloaded 182 times since Sat 22nd Sep 2007 :D

Info Info

  • Mod Archive ID: 156682
  • Downloads: 182
  • Favourited: 0 times
  • MD5: c9677509c466d9a9252af5d2ef032e0e
  • Format: IT
  • Channels: 28
  • Uncompressed Size: 1.05MB
  • Genre: n/a

License License


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  • Member Rating: rating (Unrated)
  • Reviewer Rating: rating (Unrated)

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Heeeeey!                 06/03/98

Well i tracked this bloody
ages ago so i thought it was
about time to do sumthing
with it...
That's where compos come
in handy! :)

Anyway, wish all ya who are
participating lotsa good luck...
And remember to check my acid
track in category 1! =)


ooyea, track info & greets:

Title    : Radioactive Playground
Composer : Hyb.. [BMP]
Format   : Compressed IT
Play in  : Only It2.14 or Mikit0.91 (or above) Please!!
Time     : 6.29
File Size: 1104K
Max Chans: 28! (Argh.. that's what happens when you don't use loops! :)
Finished : Umm.. last summer i think :) But unreleased till 03/98

Heps to...
the rest of the Bmp cru, esp. the new
members.the few french guys out there
who happen to leech a few tracks. All
at DBDF. all participants/organizers
of this compo!
Also heps to pigos.. hey where's your
compo track?! and to nono, hell of a
cool track you made there..

Thats it..

. Blacktron Music Prodz .
.Radioactive  Playground.
            by hybriD..

 For that bmp compo deux.

_ ?
_ ?
_ ?
_ ?
_ tr808
_ tr808
_ ?
_ ?
_ freejack
_ ?
_ ?
_ ?
_ 909 pack
_ 909 pack
_ bassq
_ duffy
_ freejack
_ hybrid
_ hybrid
_ freejack
_ freejack
_ zest
_ keith303
_ morphine
_ freejack
_ freejack
_ kom'ah
_ kom'ah
_ ravana
_ hybrid

PLEEEEEASE play this
in IT2.14 or Mikit0.91!!
Anything else fucks it up
totally! No Joke!

(c) Robin Fernandes! :)
  ->   robinf_worldnet.fr

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