Range of Motion (range_of_motion_2.it)
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Range of Motion by pinion (pH) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I finished the original version of ROM on 5/17/95 after roughly 10 hours of straight tracking. I still consider it one of my best songs; ROM is definately one of my favorite songs. After listening to it one afternoon I decided it needed a face lift, and what better program to do it with than Impulse Tracker. Basically, all I did was add stereo panning (actually I fixed the stereo panning up a bit), touch up a few chord changes that I thought were weak, and replace the crash cymbal with a better sample. Mostly, I just thought that this song deserved another chance to be heard. -pinion/pH Conntact- email: pinion_netcom.com www : http://www.acid.org/~pinion write: Ryan Hunt - 10555 La Rosa Cir., F.V, C.A. 92708 phone: (714) 962-1880 "Range of Motion" (c) copyright ACiD Productions 1995/1996
Zap Snare Zap Kick Soft Hihat bass (pick) bass (slap) bass pop (sus) bass pop (clipped) bass (perc) Plink Bass Guit Med Piano (strings) Low Piano Hammond XB3 (solo) Big Ride Cymble (good) deep tom (rich) Crash SnHh.2 Hard Crash ALT-A + ALT-V to read... Zap Snare Zap Kick Soft Hihat bass (pick) bass (slap) bass pop (sus) bass pop (clipped) bass (perc) Plink Bass Guit Med Piano (strings) Low Piano Hammond XB3 (solo) Big Ride Cymble (good) deep tom (rich) Another Cymbal SnHh.2 Splash Cymbal ------------------------- !! Hit SHF-F9 !! for song info ------------------------- v1.0 (5/17/95) v1.5 (8/15/96)
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I really love it, it really has like this final challenge music.