Ranne (ranne.it)
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Ranne Antti, a friend of mine, broke his wrist in a soccer game. Right after he had called and told me the news, I got an inspiration, went to my piano, started playing it and found the idea for this tune quickly. Antti's wrist has been well for many months now but I got this song finished not until now. It's a bit sad to realize that injuries heal more quickly than I make music :-/. Well, I have been learning the harpsichord and Francois Couperin's classical hit songs. To hear my output on that matter, try using Napster. Look for Couperin. Or then you can go to my home page at http://www.helsinki.fi/~vvnurmi/ When composing this tune, I think I got some influence from Les Lis Naissans composed by Francois Couperin in the 1700's. Go listen to that! ranne = wrist The instrument is sampled from a Roland C-80 digital harpsichord and deliberately degraded not to take too much space. Play this tune on repeat. The "ending" is not that good :). By far the best part is at 0:29-0:58, IMHO. -Ville '00-'01
C-80 8' II Play with ModPlug Winamp plays this in mono!!! And go read the comments. -Ville '00-'01 C-80 8' II -30 C-80 8' II -24 C-80 8' II -18 C-80 8' II -12 C-80 8' II -06 C-80 8' II +00 C-80 8' II +06 C-80 8' II +12 chiptunes&harpsichords!
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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